Qatar hotels do not want 2022 World Cup gay tourists

Qatar hotels do not want 2022 World Cup gay tourists – The LGBT+ rights groups have repeatedly expressed strong concern at how same-sex couples might be treated in Qatar since the country was awarded hosting rights to the World...

Qatar hotels do not want 2022 World Cup gay tourists

Qatar hotels do not want 2022 World Cup gay tourists

Qatar hotels do not want 2022 World Cup gay touristsThe LGBT+ rights groups have repeatedly expressed strong concern at how same-sex couples might be treated in Qatar since the country was awarded hosting rights to the World Cup in 2010. Gay rights concerns came as part of a flurry of criticism at FIFA’s decision to nominate a nation which has also faced accusations of abuses of migrant workers’ rights while they built the required stadia and infrastructure. A group of European investigative journalists has just released the results of a recent […]

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