Qualified Retreats for the Modern World
Through contemplating and meditating on the meaning of Buddhist teachings, we gain access to deeper states of peace. Retreats at Kailash IRC in Switzerland, KMC Georgia and KMC North Carolina in the US and Lamrim KBC Lyon in France...
Kadampa Centres around the world continue to fulfill Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso's wish for people of the modern world to have access to qualified retreats. Through contemplating and meditating on the meaning of Buddhist teachings, we gain access to deeper states of peace. Retreats at Kailash IRC in Switzerland, KMC Georgia and KMC North Carolina in the US and Lamrim KBC Lyon in France offered space to reflect and develop new, beneficial ways to look at our lives.
Retreat at Kailash IRC, Switzerland
Vajrasattva Purification Retreat in France
In Lyon, France, the Lamrim Kadampa Buddhist Center hosted a purification retreat on the practice of Buddha Vajrasattva. Attendees enjoyed a relaxed sessions, immersing themselves in practical teachings and purifying meditations. It was an enjoyable journey within that left attendees with deeper understanding of this powerful practice.