The Best Way To Quiet Self-Doubt & Achieve Your Goals, From A Health Coach
"If the way you talk to yourself is filled with negativity, blame, or shame, no 12-step skincare routine can fix that."

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Health Coach
Health Coach
Jena Burton is health coach and marketing entrepreneur who wants nothing more than for you to feel your best, most radiant self. She holds certifications for both Health Coaching and Functional Nutrition from mindbodygreen as well The Science of Well-being from Yale. She is on a mission to help make your wellness effortless.
Image by ohlamour studio / Stocksy February 05, 2025 As a health coach, it’s my job to help clients get in touch with their true motivations when it comes to well-being. And I've come to realize that it’s much easier to stick with healthy habits when you're coming from a place of love (especially for yourself) over fear. When you have that strong relationship with yourself, you will naturally want to do things that nourish your mind, body, and soul. If your health starts to feel like a chore, it’s time to dive a little deeper and identify where your motivation lies. Jena is a graduate of mindbodygreen's Health Coach Certification program. Learn more about the holistic training that can prepare you to become a certified health coach in just 20 weeks here.Graduate feature
Why self-love is essential for achieving any health goal
Making these changes can feel overwhelming when you don’t have a strong foundation of connecting with and trusting yourself.
For example, you might want to cook more meals at home but have difficulty finding the time or motivation. Do you have faith in your ability to achieve this goal? Do you love yourself enough to want to nourish your body in the first place?
One way health coaches help clients strengthen their relationship with themselves is by asking about their past successes. What’s something you were able to achieve (wellness-related or not) that made you feel good or proud? And how did you get there? How can you utilize those skills in order to achieve your wellness goal(s)?
In the process of answering these questions, clients may realize that they're resourceful, creative, curious, or persistent—all strengths that can be useful for implementing new health habits. Your thoughts create your reality, so focusing on the positive (like your strengths and past successes) will set the groundwork for your well-being vision.
If the way you talk to yourself is filled with negativity, blame, or shame, no 12-step skincare routine can fix that.
This approach is the opposite of “toxic positivity” where you’re telling yourself everything is great when it really isn’t. Focusing on the positive looks like finding the lesson when dealing with life’s hardships (instead of playing the victim), seeing inspiration in the success of others (rather than feeling threatened), or looking at effort as mastery (rather than a chore). It’s these little “script flips” that will make a huge difference.
How to turn self-care into self-love
There’s a major gap that I find in clients when it comes to self-care and self-love. You may be doing “all the self care things” but if the way you talk to yourself is filled with negativity, blame, or shame, no 12-step skincare routine can fix that. Self-care can lead to self-love when you have the tools to guide you there.
So today I’m sharing some practices that will quiet the noise of self-doubt and increase the love you have for yourself—the key to achieving your health goals!
The takeaway
Of all the healthy habits to implement, the act of self-love can be the most challenging. But when you can achieve this, everything else will fall into place. Be patient and know these small acts practiced daily can impact your life in ways you never thought possible.