This Zodiac Sign Has A Reputation For Being Stubborn—Is It Yours?
Nope, not Taurus.

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Image by Jimena Roquero / Stocksy December 30, 2024 We can learn a lot about what people think based on common internet searches—including how people view the 12 signs of the zodiac. And with the release of Google's 2024 Year in Search report, it would seem that Pisces have given themselves a reputation. Lots of people this year were searching phrases like "Why is [insert sign] so...," and for Pisces, the most searched question was, "Why are Pisces so stubborn?" As it turns out, there's an astrological reason for their aptitude at excelling. Here's what to know.So, are Pisces really stubborn?
Pisces aren't typically thought of as stubborn because they're a mutable sign. The mutable signs (which include Gemini, Virgo, and Sagittarius, as well), are known for being adaptable and open-minded, and they generally "go-with-the-flow."
However, if a Pisces is displaying a stubborn streak, it's probably connected to their emotions in some way. Pisces are deeply intuitive and emotional people, with high sensitivity and a strong spiritual side. They may be "open-minded" in the sense that they're compassionate and non-judgmental, but that doesn't mean you're going to change their mind.
They may seem like they respect your POV, but they'll still believe their own intuitive understanding is correct. And if it's something they feel strongly about from an emotional lens, it's even less likely they'll shift perspectives.
Of course, Pisces can struggle with boundaries, so even if they want to hold their ground, they may give in to you. Then, of course, that's when they'll be quietly harbor resentment over it, or even acting out in passive aggressive ways.
The takeaway
All of the zodiac signs have the capacity to be stubborn in their own way—that goes without saying. And when it comes to the Piscean folks out there, they may not be the most stubborn of them all, but they can definitely have a stubborn streak when it comes to their deepest emotional perspectives.