Two subway trains collide in Kuala Lumpur tunnel, 213 passengers...
At around 8:33pm local time, an empty light rail train and another carrying 232...
Pattaya Tourism leaders: COVID-19 vaccinations botched
According to tourism officials in Pattaya, Thailand, they fear the COVID-19 vaccinations...
Remote African safaris
With everyone being locked down at home at some point during the last year, the...
Aerion Supersonic shuts down, ending plans to build silent...
Aerion Supersonic is shutting down, the company confirmed to CNBC.
Just one in 10 UK adults confident of ‘normal’ holiday...
Poll finds minority booked, majority at all ages lack confidence
EU reaches agreement on COVID-19 vaccine passports for...
EU members agree on 'vaccine passports', that would allow the free movement of tourists...
Environmentally-focused companies recruit ‘the best’
The Travel Corporation (TTC) aware of companies struggling to recruit
EasyJet expects capacity to rise in June as it posts £701m...
Airline ‘ready to significantly ramp up’ flying for summer
Australia response to COVID-19 deserves a global encore
The Australia response to COVID-19 has been envied by many countries. Dr. Fauci...