U.S. and China’s role, if any, in Brazils attempted coup
Dressed in the yellow and green of the Brazilian flag, protesters have demanded President Lula’s election victory be overturned. Far-right supporters of Brazil’s former President Jair Bolsonaro invaded the Supreme Court and its Congressional building and surrounded the presidential palace...

Dressed in the yellow and green of the Brazilian flag, protesters have demanded President Lula’s election victory be overturned.
Far-right supporters of Brazil’s former President Jair Bolsonaro invaded the Supreme Court and its Congressional building and surrounded the presidential palace in Brasilia.
Defeated former Brazilian far right-wing president Jair Bolsonaroc fled to the United States on New Year’s Eve and is currently in Florida with his former security advisor.
US officials, including Representative Ocasião-Cortez from New York, are demanding that the US send Bolsonaroc back to Brazil.
On January 1, Bolsonaroc lost presidential immunity. He could be jailed in any of the numerous Brazilian court cases against him, running from embezzlement to genocide.
He is the Brazilian president who said in 2019 he would rather have a dead son than a gay son.
Similar to what happened in Washington DC on January 6, 2021, when supporters of former US President Trump tried to overthrow the US election and invaded the US Capitol in Brasilia, the capital of Brazil, a mob of supporters of Brazil’s far-right former President Jair Bolsonaro invaded the Supreme Court and its Congressional building and surrounded the presidential palace in Brasilia.
The newly elected president is Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, who just started his 4th term as the Brazilian leader a week ago.
Chinese President Xi Jinping’s Special Representative, Vice President Wang Qishan, attended Lula’s inauguration on Jan. 1 in the capital city, Brasilia, along with representatives from more than 60 countries and international organizations.
In his inaugural speech, Lula stressed his new government would be committed to “unity and reconstruction,” to resolving the current crises and challenges facing Brazil, to placing Latin America’s largest country among the world’s leading economies once again, and to promoting Brazil’s return to the international arena.
This is Lula’s third presidential term. He was given another four-year mandate in general elections in October 2022, winning 60.3 million votes, or 50.9 percent of the total, while his predecessor Jair Bolsonaro obtained 58.2 million votes, or 49.1 percent.
“You have a right-wing pro-Chinese communist against a left-wing pro-Chinese communist.”, said eTN Security expert Dr. Peter Tarlow.
“China and Russia benefitted greatly from energy and agribusiness sectors contracts under the Bolsonaro government. All we hear from his cronies now is that they’re “fighting against communism”… it’s tragically hilarious.
More feedback alleged:
Lula illegally “arrested” the governor of Brasília to provoke a coup. Many people think this is far from over, and thousands of tourists might be caught up if the situation spreads to Rio and São Paulo.
eTN Security expert Dr. Peter Tarlow thinks: “To make matters worse, Brazil is really two countries: the north, very similar to West Africa, and the South, similar to Central Europe. Suppose it is as if I put West Germany into a country with Afghanistan, more people in Afghanistan but all of the economic potential in Germany. That has got to create a crisis. Bolsonaro and Lula were corrupt dictators, and both claimed to be for Democracy as long as they had control. There are no good guys in this fight.”
Jose Palazzo, Truda Palazzo & Associates, RS, Brazil, told eTurboNews, “Gosh… impressive how people buy into these bizarre conspiracy theories. I voted for Bolsonaro in 2018 (a big mistake) and did not like Lula a bit, but what’s happening is an attempt to overturn the democratic regime in Brazil, simple as that.”
Another comment: “Right and left wings do not exist in Brazil,” added Dr. Tarlow: “It is instead who can steal the most money. Lula’s vice president, Dilma, a former terrorist, came close to destroying the country.”
In the meantime, US Secretary of State Blinken said: “We condemn the attacks on Brazil’s Presidency, Congress, and Supreme Court today. Using violence to attack democratic institutions is always unacceptable. We join @lulaoficial in urging an immediate end to these actions.”
U.S. and China’s role, if any, in Brazils attempted coup
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