What’s the Buzz About Transcendental Meditation? Learn All About It Here
What do Paul McCartney, Hugh Jackman, and Russel Brand all have in common? Well, aside from being incredibly talented and successful in their artistic and professional pursuits, they are all Transcendental Meditation practitioners and champions. I first heard of...

What do Paul McCartney, Hugh Jackman, and Russel Brand all have in common? Well, aside from being incredibly talented and successful in their artistic and professional pursuits, they are all Transcendental Meditation practitioners and champions.
I first heard of this meditation technique from my sister who had recently started her practice and who inspired me to learn more about it. Taking her advice has been one of the best things I’ve done for my mental health!
Because of the sacredness surrounding the practice, there was a bit of mystique around the whole process before I connected with my local Transcendental Meditation teachers and started my journey with it.
However, the Transcendental Meditation (or TM) technique is super simple and, to be honest, a lot more enjoyable and effective than any other type of meditation I’ve experienced.
So What Is Transcendental Meditation Exactly?
TM is an inaudible sound meditation utilizing a special personal mantra (given to you during a four-day TM program), and, by repeating this specific mantra internally, you are able to transcend your body and mind awareness. This is practiced for twenty minutes twice a day.
Whereas other meditation techniques might have you focus on your breath or try to achieve a mindfulness mindset, TM allows your mind to connect to a mantra to relax and disconnect from the physical plane.
TM allows your mind to connect to a mantra to relax and disconnect from the physical plane.
You do not need to have any previous background or established meditation practice to do Transcendental Meditation or to go through the program. It is a very simple practice so it is accessible to beginners or advanced meditators alike!
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How Is Transcendental Meditation Different From Other Forms of Meditation?
The late Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, who founded TM over fifty years ago, encourages practitioners to be comfortable physically while they meditate.
While some meditation techniques may actually discourage you from scratching an itch, TM practitioners should do their best to be comfortable on the physical level so they can continue to transcend the physical plane.
This is something you may really appreciate about the practice if you find it difficult to meditate through an annoying itch! Theoretically, you can practice TM while traveling on a plane, in a public space or anywhere you find yourself needing to take the time for it.
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It should also be noted there is no religious, philosophical or belief association with TM. No one is going to tell you how you need to change your lifestyle in any way when you go through the program.
Often people might see an image or video of Maharishi and assume there is a religious belief system you have to adhere to in order to be a TM practitioner, but this is not the case at all.
If you’re curious about mental health benefits, Transcendental Meditation has also been especially appealing to creatives.
In fact, a study by The Journal of Creative Behavior (referenced on the TM website) showed the TM technique produced a 68% increase in creativity as measured by the Torrance Test of Creative Thinking.
But that’s not all. There is a wealth of research showing the benefits this practice specifically has on stress and anxiety, depression, insomnia, addiction, PTSD and ADHD.
More Benefits of Transcendental Meditation
Now I know you could be thinking that devoting forty minutes a day to meditation might be impossible – and it does seem a bit overwhelming at first! However, another amazing aspect of being a TM practitioner is the level of personal commitment and external accountability.
Though you are meditating alone, you feel like you are a part of something much bigger. Your local TM teachers may also offer regular events and opportunities to meet other practitioners in your area which is a great way to meet new people.
Furthermore, because there is a financial investment to go through the course (which is determined by your income), this adds one more layer of commitment to the practice.
Plus, once you have your mantra, you have it for life! This is a practice and technique you will have in your pocket of wellness tools forever, and so worth the financial and time commitments.
Begin Your TM Journey
While there are nuances and specific techniques to Transcendental Meditation that can only really be taught during the program, you can always try a version of this kind of sound meditation before committing by repeating a mantra – such as “ohm” – for a set amount of time.
To begin, get into your favorite meditation space and seated position and close your eyes. Take a couple of deep belly breaths to get into a meditative headspace, and silently begin to repeat your mantra of choice for whatever amount of time you have designated.
Transcendental Meditation is a practice you will have in your pocket of wellness tools forever.
Of course your mind does wander, as it is built to do! But again, there are specific tools you’ll learn through the course to manage the ins and outs of this type of sound meditation and “master” it!
Okay, you’re sold – how do you begin?
The first step in the process is to head to the tm.org website and find your local teachers by entering in your location details. This is not something you can be taught by reading a book or listening to a podcast.
Once you take the first step, you can connect with them to learn even more about the process and make sure it’s the right fit for you. The four-part training is personalized and can now be done remotely or in-person, depending on your preference.
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Try This Simple Meditation Practice for Yourself
I cannot promise you will have totally transcendent and fulfilling meditations for the full twenty minutes twice per day.
But – I can promise you that by committing to this practice, you will notice a lot of shifts in your stress levels and hopefully open the door for more creative thought to enter into your mind.
Whether you are a seasoned meditator searching for a practice that truly resonates with you, or a beginner looking to explore what meditation looks like for you, Transcendental Meditation is sure to bring more peace and grounding to your world.
Do you practice Transcendental Meditation? How has it shaped you and why do you love it? Please share with us in the comments below – we love hearing from you!
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