Every Trip to the Grocery Store

Hey, baaaaaaby. By the lovely Grace Farris. P.S. Parenting teens and spring reading. … Read more The post Every Trip to the Grocery Store appeared first on Cup of Jo.

Every Trip to the Grocery Store

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I have a tendency to focus on dogs, but earlier today? A teeny-tiny toddler in pigtails and light-up sneakers blew me a kiss. In that moment, the floofiest of puppies could have passed right in front of me, and I wouldn’t even have noticed.

If all these women offering to hold all the babies and compliment the mamas could congregate at my local Trader Joe’s tomorrow at 8AM (or better yet, my next family vacation!), I have a set of Irish twins (22 months and 10 months) that you are welcome to hold and entertain 🤣 – Signed, A Grateful Mama Who Is Also Very Tired

When my now-16-year-old was a just-talking baby (12-18 months?), she would perform this hilarious greeting to strangers as we made our way through the grocery store: She would look at a stranger from her perch in the cart and gently say, “Hi!” If the stranger didn’t reply, she would say it louder: “HI!” And if the stranger still didn’t reply, she would lean their direction and yell, “HIIIIIIII!” This usually got a response (and a smile). Better still, if we were walking the opposite direction down the aisle from the stranger and then we both turned down the NEXT aisle from opposite sides, the ritual would begin again with the same person, as if my daughter hadn’t just hollered her greeting to them 30 seconds before. So sorry to all the introverts who just kept having to talk to a cute and chatty baby 15 years ago in Denver-area grocery stores! 😉🤣

This is so sweet, Hilary! I love it!

I’m intrigued to know if she’s still this extroverted? I’ve got one of these and I’m so curious to know if this is his personality or not!

Babies always stare at me in public places. I wave and smile back. 🙂 I work with toddlers and they just seem to be drawn to me. When there’s a little one having a meltdown , it hurts my heart. I try and read the Mom’s face to see if she’s okay with me trying to calm or redirect the little one’s attention. 👶🏻 💛

Reply to  Amy

March 7, 2025 8:30 pm

Yes, yes, and yes, Amy! I am a sucker for every baby and all dogs.

Reply to  Amy

March 7, 2025 9:48 pm

Riiight? Tiny humans are lovely, but this instantly reminded me of the Australian Shepherd brothers that I couldn’t help but make eyes at on my way out of the coffee shop this afternoon!

I don’t have kids but I love waving at babies and making silly faces back. They’re so new!

I ran into a parent of one of my kid’s friends at a crowded multi-school sports event. He was standing next to a woman holding a baby. The conversation went: “Hiya! (Very quick small talk). Who’s the baby?!?”
Shrug (they didn’t know each other).
It felt like a bar scene where I was desperate to be introduced to the cute friend—but it was a baby being held by his (now nervously laughing mother).
Then I said, “bummer. I was hoping to hold that baby.” And then could not believe I’d let myself act so bonkers! The magic spell of cuties with giant eyes and feety jams!

Stranger babies love me. I can’t tell you how many times a baby has spotted me from across Target or Costco and just been enthralled to the point of leaning around their parent to smile at me. My face must be hella symmetrical.

How about the time I was in the grocery store with 3 young children (now teens) – they were probably 2, 3, and 5 – I was so stressed and trying to get through the store and they were fighting, and a lady tapped me on the shoulder while I was trying to check out my yogurt options. “That one just threw up.” And she walked away! Then I was wiping throw up off the grocery store floor with baby wipes with a full grocery cart and 3 cranky kids. Ha! Hilarious story to me now, but I don’t know how I didn’t plop myself down and cry!

Love sweet comments, just please don’t touch without asking. My germ anxiety couldn’t handle that.

My favorite thing was when people would say “you’re doing great, mom!” Thank you, stranger!

THIS is 100% my husband. Oldest of six, cared for his sibs. Worked until he was 70 because of kids. Retired and now is a public school crossing guard-kids! Always smiles at children when they cross our path (market, movies, park). Sometimes I wonder if he freaks other adults out as he gladly, quickly interacts but no one has ever asked him to stop.

He sounds like such a lovely man! I’m so glad to hear that no one has registered his interpersonal skills as anything other than an asset to the community!

I absolutely LOVE it when strangers tell me (or mutter under their breath) how cute my 5 month old baby is. It makes the winter outfit dressup and going outside hustle and bustle worth it and more. :)

Babies and young children always stare and smile at my husband, and it warms my heart when he smiles and interacts with them. He jokingly says its because he looks like a clown, but I remind him that most kids are terrified of clowns and that I think its because they sense his kind heart. :) Babies are so intuitive!

So I’m not such a creepy weirdo?!

We’ll be in good company either way!

I used to be a teacher but now I’m working at Trader Joe’s. I get so excited when a baby or little one comes through my check out lane. Honestly, sometimes I’ll hurry through a transaction so I can get the family before someone takes them from my line haha I just love the little kids!

Aww, I love the way Trader Joe’s checkout clerks are kind and patient with my kids who “help.” The most exciting was when a clerk offered to let them scan some items!!

(I also really appreciate when clerks ask me before offering lollipops to my kids…at 9 AM)

Ok, this feels weird to admit, but I do exactly this and then my eyes tear up? I just love babies and kids and saying nice things to strangers. Going to earmark this for therapy…

I don’t think you need to worry about therapy! I always enjoy it when people tell me my daughter is cute! And it’s lovely that you like saying nice things to strangers:) The world could use more of this right now.

I sincerely hope I run into you at the grocery store next time I’m there and feeling self conscious while solo parenting my toddler and trying to keep it all together! Kind words and sweet acknowledgements of my child make my day in those moments.

Not weird. Ok, maybe it is but I can get a bit weepy seeing babies, littles and pregnant parents too! I see all those humans as hopeful and it is such a glorious thing. Maybe it is perimenopause, my feelings seem so close to the surface and so BIG. Almost like a regression toward toddlerhood and infancy where you just gotta let it out. Don’t ever by shy about letting a few tears roll, you wonderful, hopeful human.

I feel like to my core, I do not trust people who don’t smile or wave at babies and toddlers – there is something seriously wrong with such people – I mean, they are so new in this world and so cute! The other day while on our honeymoon having lunch, this little toddler was smiling/waving the whole time at my husband and it was adorable to see the two of them interact- it’s flattering when a child can sense you have a kind, warm presence, isn’t it?!

My husband told me I have to stop asking strangers if they need me to hold their baby. I can’t help it! My babies are bigger now and I miss that soft baby skin!

You absolutely do not need to stop! I just had a woman ask me in the Y locker room while I was trying to change out of a wet swimsuit with a one-year-old, and it was the kindest and most appreciated gesture (and incredibly helpful!)

yes! My circle of friends does not include babies and oh how I’d love to hold a squishy 8 month old again. Like, do I need to take airplane trips just for the chance to help a desperate parent? :-)

I love it when people tell me how adorable my baby is! Not so much the lady in the grocery store who upon hearing my son’s funny noises said he sounded like he was possessed. But it’s a very funny story!

Reply to  Rae

March 7, 2025 12:40 pm

When my now-teenager was very small, maybe 18 months old, he was riding in our shopping cart in the grocery store and a lady leaned over to say hello, getting *very* close to his face. He blinked and pulled back in surprise … a normal reflex when someone gets in your personal space, I thought. But she turned to me and said “Your baby isn’t very nice!”

Ummmmmm, OKAY, lady. (And it is a funny story now!)

As the mother of teenagers I have started doing this. But I also stare at my teens – they are beautiful to me.

As the pregnant parent of a toddler I ask you, please don’t play it cool! I love it when people acknowledge my cute baby in public, and often it’s a good reminder for me to not get so caught up in the hard work of it all that I miss seeing the soft cheeks and smiling eyes staring up at me from the grocery cart.

Totally agree! Playing it cool is overrated. I vividly remember people saying sweet things about my son and it makes me feel part of a wider community and less isolated.

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