What is cloud gaming?
Cloud streaming is taking the gaming industry by storm, but what is it? We explain...
India asks WhatsApp to withdraw new privacy policy, expresses...
India has asked WhatsApp to withdraw the planned change to its privacy policy, posing...
Woman blames airline after pet dog dies during flight
‘They simply handed him over to me like any other object, avoiding any type of responsibility,’...
Wallace & Gromit venture into AR with immersive storytelling...
Players take on the challenge of fixing up a city.
WhatsApp's global head: 'We know we have to compete for...
The global head of WhatsApp explains to Campaign the new privacy policy changes,...
Your Inner Voice Probably Knows What's Best—Are You Listening...
We all have access to our own inner voice.
TikTok’s Chinese version Douyin launches an e-wallet
Tencent’s WeChat Pay and Alibaba’s affiliate Alipay have long dominated digital...
What’s It Like Running A Gym In A Pandemic? Level Up Fitness’...
Level Up Fitness' founder, Kenny Sia, talks about the struggles of keeping his gym...
What—and Who—Is on Marketers’ Minds for 2021?
Toward the end of last year, we asked readers to share their thoughts about 2021....
Dubai faces biggest Covid surge as pandemic catches up...
Coronavirus infections are surging to unprecedented heights in the United Arab Emirates