5 Tips for A Sustainable Yoga Practice: Connecting On & Off The Mat

We can practice ahimsa or non-violence with others, mother Earth, and also ourselves. When we notice thoughts of judgment or criticism, there’s an opportunity to return to the breath, witness those thoughts and emotions, and allow them to flower....

5 Tips for A Sustainable Yoga Practice: Connecting On & Off The Mat

5 Tips for Your Yoga Practice: Connecting On & Off The Mat

Committing to a regular yoga practice can be challenging, especially with the demands of our busy lives. While we all know how beneficial yoga is and how good we feel when we have a regular practice, sometimes the chaos of our days get us carried away. However, by following these five tips, you can begin to create a sustainable yoga routine and connect with yoga both on and off the mat.

Set a realistic goal: Start by committing to a realistic goal that fits into your schedule. This could be as simple as committing to a 10-15 minute practice each day or attending a weekly yoga class. Once you’ve established a routine, gradually increase the duration and intensity of your practice. Create a dedicated space: Designate a space in your home or workplace for your yoga practice. This space should be free from distractions and clutter, and ideally, have natural light and fresh air. Having a dedicated space can help you stay focused and committed to your practice. Connect with a community: Join a local yoga community like Asheville Yoga Center or find an online community that aligns with your values and goals. Connecting with like-minded individuals can help provide motivation, accountability, and support for your yoga practice. Having a supportive environment also helps you overcome any self limiting beliefs that may be holding you back in your yoga practice. Incorporate yoga into your daily life: Yoga is not just a physical practice, it’s a way of life. Find ways to incorporate yoga into your daily routine, such as practicing mindfulness during your commute, taking a few deep breaths before a meeting, or practicing gratitude before bed. I love to use a thought journal before bed to record my gratitude, it’s always great to look back and see past entries for days when I am feeling down! Embrace the philosophy of yoga: Yoga is more than just a physical practice, it’s a philosophy that encourages us to live with compassion, kindness, and self-awareness. Embrace the principles of yoga both on and off the mat, by practicing non-judgment, mindfulness, and self-reflection.

By following these five tips, you can commit to a regular yoga practice and connect with yoga both on and off the mat. Remember that yoga is a journey, not a destination, and that the benefits of yoga come from consistent practice and dedication. A strong yoga practice helps you stay calm and grounded during the stress of everday life.