A Lunar Eclipse & Supermoon Is Coming: What It Means For Your Zodiac Sign
We've got a full moon in Scorpio coming our way.

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We've got a full moon in Scorpio coming our way, and it happens to be accompanied by a total lunar eclipse. Depending on your sun (and rising) sign, this moon can impact you in different ways—here's what to know.
A quick overview of this full moon:
The exact astrological full moon will peak at 12:15 am EST on Monday, May 15. The moon will be at 25 degrees Scorpio, with the sun opposing it at 25 degrees Taurus. This moon also features a total lunar eclipse, with the sun conjunct the north node in Taurus, and the moon conjunct the south node in Scorpio.
Because the moon (connected with emotions) is conjunct the south node (connected with the past), many people may be revisiting, reprocessing, and/or releasing people, feelings, and relationships from their past during this eclipse.
And since the moon is in Scorpio, there's also a distinct theme of emotional transformation present, with an opportunity to make a change or gain insight that helps us move toward our dharma or destiny. This is due to the sun’s connection to the north node (destiny) and Uranus (change/flash of insight) during this eclipse.
This eclipse, being in Scorpio, is also ruled by Pluto, which forms a favorable sextile relationship to the moon and south node, doubly emphasizing the transformational energies. And with Mars forming a trine to the moon and south node, it activates and infuses the eclipse with the energies of movement and assertion.
Eclipse effects sometimes take months or years to fully manifest. During the acute eclipse, energy is setting up that will have residual impact for several years.
I recommend checking the horoscope for your sun and rising signs—they may hold value for moon signs, as well.
Aries, this full moon eclipse in Scorpio happens in your eighth house of psychology and transformation. This is a potent position that may bring up old wounds of a psychological nature for further processing and healing. Dysfunctional family or relationship patterns around sex, control, and money may come to your awareness.
There’s the opportunity to transform a longstanding hurt and evolve your psyche. Aries is experiencing a lot of energy and activations right now, with Venus, Chiron, and Jupiter in your sign. Venus and Chiron conjunct in Aries means certain relationships are up for evaluation (possibly through a fresh round of triggering or aggravations).
The possibility of healing or new perspectives exists now, and the eclipse could also herald a transformation in your work.
Taurus, the full moon eclipse happens in your seventh house of partnership and connection. This eclipse cycle (April 30 to May 16) has been particularly potent for you since it's happening within your sign, and this full moon may have you reconnecting with an old partner or a soulmate-level friend.
Conversely, an existing relationship could shift during or after this eclipse. Ordinarily you love to be settled, but the eclipse may stir up a conflict between commitment and personal freedom. Pay close attention to your insights and inspirations and to the people and opportunities coming into and leaving your life. You may be going through an unusual period of change and uncertainty—your soul is trying to discern what it really wants (consciously and unconsciously).
You're restructuring how you present yourself to the world, and since you are normally so grounded, instability is a notable anomaly. It’s all part of the plan, however, to shake up and release some things so your life can be more aligned with your soul’s true intentions. Try to remain open and compassionate throughout the next few months’ changes.
Landing in your sixth house of career, the full moon could prompt a change (or possibly even a loss) in the workplace for you, Gemini. This full moon eclipse is about transformation, and anything that happens will ultimately provide an opportunity for growth.
It brings the potential for going a bit deeper—emotionally, spiritually, and psychologically—than is normal for Gemini. Consider sharing your feelings or recording them in a journal. If you feel a touch confused right now, that's to be expected based on the way the eclipse is falling in your chart. On the upside, there is the possibility of realizing a previous work-related objective. A change in your feelings about your work is also possible. Because of this shift, you may find yourself connecting to your career in a new way.
Finally, you may be revising or evolving your style of communication. Mercury just went retrograde on May 11 in your sign, and while this affects everyone, it affects you even more. Percolate work-related goals that involve expressing yourself or communicating something in a new way.
Cancer, this full moon eclipse happens in your fifth house of romance, recreation, and creativity. A romantic connection from your past may have come back into your life recently, or you could also be thinking a lot about a prior love or relationships.
Allow this transformational Scorpio eclipse to help you let go of emotions you no longer need regarding ties from the past. Cancer, in general, has a hard time letting go, so consider using the potent energy of this eclipse to perform a releasing ritual to help yourself move forward.
If someone from the past has come back into your life, mentally or literally, use the situation to refine (and redefine) what you want romantically. Professionally, you could be experiencing some success and recognition right now. You may also be making new social connections or expanding your social impact.
Activating your fourth house of home and family, Leo, this full moon eclipse may stir an event or emotional realization (or release) related to your mother. There could be news of upcoming motherhood for some Leo women, a move, or even a new home purchase or sale.
There is a strong possibility of career opportunities, changes, or transformations as well (potentially a position that requires commitment or some sacrifice due to Saturn opposing your sun). Travel and/or learning could be on your mind, too.
Be cautious if there is a legal issue on the table. Things will likely work in your favor, but the energy is rather mixed and active in that part of your chart, so care is advised. The ruler of this eclipse, Pluto, falls in your house of service and health, so there could be a health issue to transform or a work situation to evolve.
Virgo, this full moon eclipse happens in your third house of communication, siblings, and short trips. There may be an opportunity to refine your communication or have a meaningful or transformational discussion with an important friend, sibling, business partner, or client.
There could also be opportunities to teach, write, or put your words and ideas out into the world. There may be travel happening, or education culminating or concluding with unexpected changes likely in the process.
Your romantic relationship or relationship with your children may be undergoing a transformation right now, and in the months following this eclipse, as well.
Libra, this full moon eclipse happens in your second house of property, money, and security. There may be a financial opportunity, but there could also be a loss. The latter, if it occurs, is ultimately intended to help you grow—and manage money and resources more skillfully.
There is the possibility of psychological healing and transformation during and following this eclipse, especially related to your sense of self-esteem and security. Triggering of old family wounds may precede the healing and is part of the process.
Keep your eyes open for a possible new romantic partner if you are single, or an important soulmate friend connection if you are already partnered.
This full moon eclipse carries extra meaning for you, Scorpio, since it's in your sign! The moon activates your first house of self, appearance, and personality, inviting transformation regarding your self-image and affecting the way you put yourself out in the world.
You may experience a boost of self-confidence, or simply a shedding of old wounds that were holding you back. You may feel extra bold, courageous, or assertive, so go with it! There may be a fresh start of some kind happening for you, too.
Relationships, on the contrary, may be a little unstable right now. Someone from your past may have re-entered your life recently (or is coming soon). This is due to the south node transiting your sign all year. It pulls important people and experiences your way, with some of them being from the past. If someone from your past does appear, it's up to you to decide how to process or learn from that dynamic now.
Details about your unique ability to be of service are highlighted during this eclipse, with aspects of your purpose being revealed. Your communication is especially effective and powerful now. Processing old connections, transforming old wounds, and exploring the question of self-interest versus relationships are key themes.
Sagittarius, this full moon eclipse falls in your 12th house of spirituality and secrets. The sun and north node during this moon fall in your sixth house of work and service, as well. Because the 12th house is more of a hidden area, the impact of this full moon and eclipse may be subtle.
An eclipse in your 12th house can open your heart and eyes to a deeper, more hidden part of your psyche (or your life) that is finally ready to be faced and integrated. It may also connect you to an underserved population or humanitarian issue.
Doing some deep work around fears or security issues could be possible, and a new romantic partner could come on the scene for some Sags during this eclipse. A house or out-of-town move may happen for others. The sun side of this full moon falls in your sixth house of work, health, and service, which could bring work changes and wellness opportunities your way—including releasing less ideal habits, such as food, substance, or alcohol misuse.
Capricorn, this full moon eclipse falls in your 11th house of community and social impact. You may have an old friend resurface—though they may depart as quickly as they appeared. (Eclipses are strange like that!) The encounter does have meaning, however. You are revisiting something with fresh eyes and can gain new insight from the interaction.
It’s possible there is a creative opportunity here, or thoughts about having children (or energy/events and changes related to existing children) happening. You maybe be moving or planning a move right now.
Finances could be a little tight and are probably on your mind. Try not to worry about this too much. Make responsible choices, then try to release what you cannot control. Your sense of self is undergoing slow transformation, and this eclipse may find some of you negotiating or thinking of ways to communicate or share interesting ideas within your work.
The full moon eclipse activates your 10th house of career and public image, Aquarius. This eclipse cycle (which started April 30 and concludes with this eclipse) is particularly meaningful for you, since your ruler Uranus is involved, forming a conjunction with the sun and north node.
This means the events you experience during and following this series of eclipses could have added importance in your life. This eclipse, in particular, could result in a professional opportunity or realization of a business goal. There could also be a transformation happening professionally, resulting in the release of an opportunity that is no longer serving you.
You may feel extra serious and focused on earning money or sorting out your life right now. Your sense of “mission” is strong. There could be changes affecting your home. (You may have to move, or a family member may be experiencing something that impacts your—and their—stability).
The urge to write an old lover may occur. If you think it could help you move on, it’s probably worth doing.
Pisces, this full moon eclipse falls in your ninth house of travel and learning. This could have you planning for, or departing, on a trip to nearby or foreign lands. It also may have you reminiscing about beautiful memories from past adventures.
Some of you are graduating or finishing up educational programs around this eclipse, and all the changes will feel extra transformational and emotional. Some others will be inspired to return to school during this potent eclipse window.
There could be a legal issue resolving for a few of you (most likely in your favor because both Venus and Jupiter are in your house of finance). You may have something unexpected come up regarding a sibling, as well. Perhaps they simply get in touch out of the blue.
You may feel irritable during this eclipse, because the action planet, Mars, is conjunct your ruler, Neptune, right now. On the positive, you will likely experience a boost of courage and increased energy. Go ahead and take action if you’re feeling it! A friendship could be transformed (or released), and a new client or financial bonus is possible.
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